Perhaps the most important female fertility factor is the egg factor, by the time a woman starts menstruating about age thirteen she has half a million egg follicles left in her ovaries. Now an egg follicle is a sac that holds one egg. Every month she is going to release a batch of these egg follicles […] only one of those egg follicles will ultimately grow each month and ovulate and the rest will die. But every month women lose eggs. And with time they run out of eggs and that\u2019s called Menopause.By the time a woman is thirty she loses ninety percent of her eggs by the time she is forty she loses ninety-seven percent. One thing we test for is called Ovarian reserve, that is how many eggs are left and unfortunately patients and some doctors don\u2019t really know what this means. Ovarian reserve is used by fertility doctors to determine if a woman has low ovarian reserve because those patients make less eggs, therefore they have a lower chance of pregnancy with fertility treatment…the ovarian reserve can be tested in a variety of ways. The best way is to perform an ultrasound when that woman is on her period and count the resting egg follicles in the ovaries.<\/p>\n
Other tests for ovarian reserve include blood test for the hormone Anti-Mullerian hormone or AMH and follicle stimulating hormone that\u2019s FSH and estradiol. Overall the key message for ovarian reserve is it\u2019s needed by fertility doctors to counsel women on the chance of success for fertility treatment.<\/p>\n
What\u2019s really important is called egg quality that\u2019s different than ovarian reserve. Egg quality basically means the following: the ability of an egg to create a chromosomally normal embryo. Poor eggs create embryos with abnormal chromosomal make up and good eggs create embryos with normal chromosomal makeup. Egg quality impacts the chance of a healthy baby and it is very much age dependent. Women who are in their forties especially have the lowest egg quality and actually by the age of forty-five its very rare to find any quality eggs and pregnancy rates essentially go to zero.<\/p>\n
First recommendation I have to couples trying to conceive is to have sex at the right time of the month, the egg only lives one day so having intercourse for the one or two days before ovulation and the day of ovulation is critical for conception. To help women determine when they are ovulating we use ovulation detection kits. When we see women who don\u2019t have regular menstrual cycles it means they are not ovulating […] and reasons for not ovulating could be things such as thyroid problems, excess production of a hormone called prolactin, a medical condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome or just stress weight changes, a lot travel.<\/p>\n
We can obtain blood to test for some of these hormones and of course do an ultra sound to look at the ovaries for polycystic ovarian syndrome. So these are simple tests that should be done on women who are not having monthly periods. Sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea but not HPV or herpes, can lead to fallopian tube damage and that can be a very significant form of infertility, that requires in-vitro fertilization or surgery to fix.<\/p>\n
There are some other conditions that cause fallopian tube blockage, such as pelvic surgery and also endometriosis […] fallopian tube openness or patency can be determined by a test using dye in which we put dye through the uterus and fallopian tubes and take x-ray pictures. One of the most devastating conditions we see is recurrent pregnancy loss, that\u2019s where women are able to conceive and carry the pregnancy until eight or ten weeks and then lose the pregnancy over and over again.bOne of the reasons for recurring pregnancy loss is uterine cavity abnormality such as fibroids, muscle tumors, polyps which are little growth, scar tissue or birth defects that that woman was born with in her uterus. Fortunately we can treat a lot of those uterine factors as it relates to recurrent pregnancy loss using surgical modalities.<\/p>\n
One of the most frustrating diagnosis that we give to patients is something called unexplained infertility. This is a diagnosis that is assigned when the semen analysis is normal for the male partner, a woman is ovulating, her uterus and tubes are normal, she is at an age that should have quality eggs but yet they are unable to conceive. Oftentimes couples with unexplained infertility have to consider in-vitro fertilization which takes over each of nature\u2019s steps and tries to fix them and augment the chance of success. Couples who fail to get pregnant sometimes think that they are allergic to each other, there is a mismatch. We don\u2019t believe that actually exists and the reason for that is when we do in-vitro fertilization and put the sperm into the egg almost in all cases we get an embryos and in many cases we get pregnancies.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
The release of the egg is a necessary component for pregnancy. In general, regular, predictable menses indicate that ovulation is occurring. The menstrual cycle is divided into two parts: the proliferative phase and the luteal phase. The luteal phase is the second half of the menstrual cycle following ovulation and typically lasts 13-14 days in most women. For example, if a woman has a 28-day cycle, she usually ovulates on day fourteen; a woman with a 32-day cycle would typically ovulate on day eighteen. Ovulation can also be presumed by testing the blood for progesterone level or if a monitor or kit indicates the presence of high levels of LH. There are many reasons for ovulatory disturbance including pituitary hormone imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome, stress and weight gain or loss. These issues can be overcome by using an oral medication called clomiphene citrate (Clomid), by injection of the hormone FSH, or by In Vitro Fertilization.<\/p>\n
Normal sperm<\/h3>\n